Bernie Sanders tweet featuring RCA protest goes viral

On November 16, Right Care Boston organized a protest to hold Sanofi accountable for the deaths their high insulin prices have caused. Two mothers whose children died from rationing insulin came to deliver their childrens’ ashes to Sanofi, and more than 85 patients, clinicians, students, and activists came to support them, marching and chanting to Sanofi headquarters. (Check out this blog for more media and photos about the protest.)

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Your donation will fund more direct actions to stand up to unfair drug prices. The Right Care Alliance, an initiative of the Lown Institute, is the first grassroots social movement that brings together health professionals, religious and community groups, and the public to ensure right care is accessible by all. The Lown Institute is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt organization. Gifts are deductible to the full extent allowable under IRS regulations.

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No one from Sanofi came to talk to the parents, but our message rang loud and clear, as news media across the country reported on the rally and high insulin prices. A week after the protest, Senator Bernie Sanders tweeted out video footage from the rally, which has been viewed more than 4 million times on Facebook and Twitter as of today!


It’s heartening to see the event and stories getting nationwide attention, but this is just the beginning. We’re going to keep the pressure on and continue fighting for the price of insulin and all drugs to be lowered. 

You can help us organize more direct actions for affordable drugs with a donation (see above). We don’t take any money from industry, so your donation is greatly appreciated!