Check out our video of Mother’s Day marches for affordable insulin, including delivering the Mother’s Day card to Sanofi!
Read about the RCA Mother’s Day rallies across the country for affordable insulin!
Two articles today in the Star Tribune and MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) feature the St. Paul Mother’s Day Rally for Affordable Insulin.
“Our goal is to build local awareness. We want enough awareness so that we can get the prices lowered on insulin either through the pharmaceutical companies or through our legal system and politicians,” said Dr. Vikas Saini, quoted in a … Read more
RCA member Randi Oster tells a personal story in a Washington Post op-ed.
On Sunday, about 40 patients, clinicians, and activists from the Right Care Alliance and #insulin4all united to protest the high prices of insulin and stand in solidarity with those who are affected by out-of-control insulin prices.
Since the Write-a-thon earlier this month, there have been three pieces published by RCA members in local and national media.
The Gainesville chapter held a town hall event, bringing together clinicians, educators, and patients, to educate their community on high insulin costs and mobilize for action!
Last week, two RCA councils reached a critical milestone in this project by having their “Top Ten Do’s and Don’ts for Right Care” published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.
You are invited to WBUR studios for an open discussion about electronic medical records.