The Right Care Alliance Patient Council hosted a COVID-19 Conversation on April 16, 2020 with Dr. Fred Southwick. Dr Southwick is an respected epidemiologist, infectious disease expert, member of the RCA Steering Committee and RCA Gainesville FL Chapter. The event was well attended with 46 people registering and participating in a robust conversation and Dr Fred. We invite you to view the recording by clicking here and using the Access Password: COVID-19CC.
Although we hope you find the conversation informative, our goal for the event embraced more than providing participants with up-to-date, accurate information about COVID-19. During this time of nationwide concern and uncertainty we are being inundated with experts giving us COVID-19 facts and figures multiple times a day. What we lack is the opportunity to ask questions of the experts and that’s why we hosted this conversation—so that our members and others interested would have a chance to not only listen to a nationally recognized expert in the field, but to have their questions answered by him as well.
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