Insulin corporations are killing people with diabetes, so for World Diabetes Day, we’re delivering blood-soaked bags of money to Pharma’s front door.
We WON’T let Pharma hide their guilt.
Their predatory pricing led to the insulin-rationing deaths of ten Americans in the last two years. In honor of Jesimya, Jada, Josh, Kayla, Meaghan, Micah, Jesse, Alec, Antavia, and Shane, we must keep the pressure on.
Parents and family of the deceased will be traveling to the event and need your support. Boston physicians will declare a humanitarian crisis. Massachusetts citizens with diabetes will share how they are suffering and scared.
The fight is right here and right now. NO MORE DEATHS.
Attend in-person and make sure to RSVP on Facebook.
Participate by choosing to sponsor a bucket of blood.