Patient Council’s “What Worries You Most survey” gets 1,000+ responses

The Patient Council is pleased to report that our survey got 1,134 responses – the Right Care Alliance’s full email list put us over our goal-line of a thousand, and we are grateful! The responses give strong indications of how worried people are about healthcare issues (spoiler: pretty dang worried), so we’re now in the process of slicing and dicing the data collected to get a full color picture of what issues are most important to the array of demographic groups who shared their concerns in the survey.

Our next goal-line is getting the results of the What Worries You Most (WWYM) feedback – that full color picture – compiled in a compelling narrative. Patient Council members are analyzing the data and working on an article that can be published in an appropriate journal..

We are also looking at the best ways to use the WWYM  data to help the Patient Council and the entire Right Care Alliance drive our mission forward. If any of our members would like to  help out let us know by emailing the Leadership team at You’re all invited to help us cross this next goal-line – let’s score big for the RCA.