Gainesville chapter leader publishes op-ed on insulin

Dr. Brittany Bruggeman, Gainesville pediatrician and RCA chapter leader, recently had an op-ed about insulin prices published in The Gainesville Sun. She tells a story of a patient who struggles to manage his Type 1 diabetes after losing his insurance coverage:

“Because of these unattainable prices, he had to resort to taking a type of insulin that is proven to cause more episodes of low blood sugar, and he has suffered life-threatening low blood sugar episodes. Many of these problems could be avoided by providing him with the insulins that his body needs. However, he can’t afford them, and according to his mother, it affects his whole life.”

Bruggeman writes about how insulin prices have gotten so high, and what we need to do to bring them down to an affordable level. 

Read her full op-ed in The Gainesville Sun!