The U.S. health care system is dysfunctional and betrays its humanitarian roots as well as its health mission. The medical-industrial establishment continues to consolidate, ignoring the health needs of people who have been transformed into customers rather than patients in distress. Medicine is now a lucrative business for the few and unaffordable for the many. The pressure is unrelenting to see more patients in less time. Overreliance on technology forces us to do more to the patient and less for the patient. The result is overtreatment, undertreatment, and mistreatment.
We are tired of health professionals being called providers and patients referred to as consumers. Health care is not just another business. Our vision is of a transformed system in which the pursuit of health is a right and health care is based on healing relationships, close to home, affordable, effective and just. We all deserve a system in which health professionals and patients alike experience the care they give and receive as necessary and meaningful.
The system we seek is one in which: