The movement for Right Care in India is growing…

Doctors from all over India are uniting against unethical practices in health care, including malpractice, kickbacks, and bribes, The BMJ reports. The Alliance of Doctors for Ethical Healthcare is a nation-wide group of 300 doctors, modeled after the Right Care Alliance and Slow Medicine groups. They had their first national conference in April in New Delhi, bringing together hundreds of medical professionals to discuss what they can do about widespread overuse, underuse, and profiteering in their country. 

The BMJ cites the Right Care Alliance and Slow Medicine as early champions of ethical health care and partners of the ADEH in India. In fact, these three groups recently wrote a joint statement calling for a renaissance in health care focused on the restoration of the relationship between healers and their communities.

We’re excited to support the ADEH in their efforts and see what this dynamic, radical group of doctors does next!

Read the full article in The BMJ.